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Free shipping for orders over 69.00€ & up to 3kg
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Classic varnish-like oil based gloss finish with microscopic porosity properties. Especially suited on oily, resinous tropical types of wood and American pine. As alternative for the continuous maintenance of impregnating woodoil systems. Excellent adhesion to well degreased and sanded teak, iroco and other (oily and resinous) types of wood. If a maximum of 5 coats are applied, this oil varnish still allows the wood to breathe. Further build-up will close the wood.
Thinner: Epifanes Brushthinner or Spraythinner for Paint & Varnish
Recoatable: after 24 hours at 18°C.
Coverage: One liter is sufficient for 12 sq.meters.
Package: 500 ml. - 1000 ml.